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ActionsShock and vibration resistant internal snap action automatic reset switch mechanism assures positive make/break action
Wide selection for any application
Voltage and ambient compensated
Shock and vibration resistant internal snap action automatic reset switch mechanism assures positive make/break action
Wide selection for any application
Voltage and ambient compensated
Shock and vibration resistant internal snap action automatic reset switch mechanism assures positive make/break action
Wide selection for any application
Voltage and ambient compensated
Solid State Dependability
Standard Double Quick-Connect Terminals for Combination Fan and Element Systems
Full-Load-Rated Auxiliary Contact
Voltage and Ambient Self-Compensating Positive Temperature Co-efficient (PTC) Heater Elements
Individually Packaged with Wiring Diagrams for up to Seven Element Furnace
The CT Series combines a delay-on-make and delay-on-break time delay into one unit and may be used to control fan delays in heating and/or cooling equipment. The CT includes bypass circuitry to allow it to operate with cooling anticipators ? 3000 ohms. It is designed to operate in 24VAC control circuits. Several CT modules may be combined to provide sequencing on of any number of loads and sequencing off of the same loads
RoHS Compliant
RoHS Compliant
RoHS Compliant